Can I automate pulling a backup from the systems

Yes, using an automated fetch from the web interface using a tool like wget or curl.

You will need to substitute the correct password, but the following lines should pull a config backup.

You can also be more specific about the location of “./cookies.txt” The cookie is only transient, so using
would be a good example, and may prevent cookie files being left all over the place.

  1. Login
    wget -O/dev/null --max-redirect=0 --save-cookies=./cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --tries=1 ""

  2. Do a backup (Replace 010101 with a YYDDMM date)
    wget -Obackup.tar.gz --max-redirect=0 --load-cookies=./cookies.txt --tries=1

Substitute backup010101.tar.gz with ivr010101.tar.gz in 2) to backup the IVR files.