When will a call record, or not record?

Generally, the answer is that a call will record when configured to do so on the call recording matrix, but if a call is transferred, the answer is not necessarily obvious.

From PABX version 4.0.50, the following call recording behaviour should be well defined. In earlier cases, there were a number of exceptions that could make call recording more confusing:

  1. The ‘*0’ shortcode will stop recording if dialled rapidly from an internal handset during a recorded call (unless the global option is set to disable this.)

NOTE: It is intended to add audible feedback that this succeeds in a future version.

  1. Blind transfer of calls
  • After a blind transfer, the caller and callee settings are re-evaluated and recording will be stopped, started or re-started as necessary.
  • If both legs are set to be recorded, two recordings will be made, one identified by the first call and one for the second call.
  1. Attended transfer of calls.

An attended transfer occurs by setting up 2 completely unrelated calls, and then requesting that the calls are connected.

  • If neither of the calls was set to record, no recording will be started.
  • If both of the calls were set to record, one of the recordings will be stopped.
  • If only one of the calls was set to record, it will continue (NOTE: See the exception below)
  • If never-record has been set for either remaining party, all recording will be stopped.
  • An attended transfer may cause a recording to be split, either the first recording continues with a silent break in the middle, or the second recording continues. This will usually depend on the handset make that does the transfer.

Exception, in the following scenario, call recording may stop:

A receptionist receives 2 separate calls inbound, and wants to connect those calls. If one caller is recording, and the other is not, then there is a 50/50 chance that recording will continue, depending on whether caller 1 is transferred to caller 2, or vice-versa. The order of a transfer is determined by the phone, so is not predictable.

It is intended to further improve the above as the technology allows.